2月 28, 2013

Taiwan folk arts and crafts

Want to know about Chinese traditional art, special belong to Taiwan folk arts and crafts, better to go Temples. Especially old temples. You can see Wood carving, clay sculpture, Koji Pottery (交趾陶), Cutwork Figure (剪黏), etc... Each one works basic with the story inside. And sometime is interesting, have you seeing the child holding the flag? :)

想要了解中國傳統藝術, 特別屬於台灣民間工藝, 最好去宮廟. 特別是老的宮廟. 您可以看見木雕, 泥塑, 交趾陶, 剪黏, 等...每一件作品基本有著故事. 且有時是有趣的, 您見到小孩手裡拿著的旗子了嗎? 

Kuril cherry (千島櫻)

Kuril cherry, a japanese cherry, little white and Pink. And this is the main show in Taiwan in this time. Li-shan, Ali-shan, you can find it. I love white color cherry than pink color cherry, because it's less. :)

2月 26, 2013

你來了 you come

你來了. meant you come. This is special plaque, and only in City God (Cheng Huang 城隍) temple can see. In Taiwan, most City God temples were over 100 years old, and some with beautiful decor. City God not only in charge of the civil, and the underworld too. There's a hearsay, Villain afraid to go inside the City God temple, because worry to be tried. :)

你來了. 這是一塊很特殊的牌匾, 只有在城隍廟能見到. 在台灣, 多數的城隍廟超過百年以上, 有些著美麗的裝飾. 城隍爺不只掌管民間也掌管陰間. 有傳聞這麼說的, 壞人不敢進城隍廟, 因為擔心被審判.

Wu-she cherry (霧社櫻)

White cherry flower in Highway14. This is called Wu-she cherry. And it's Taiwan only. All cherry flower blooming early this year in Taiwan, if you want to enjoy, hurry! :)

Mayasvi, Tefuye tribe (特富野部落), ChiaYi county (嘉義)

This is not for the fighting, this is called Mayasvi, a ceremonies of Taiwan aboriginal Tsou (鄒族). In the early year, Mayasvi, held on at Feb. 15 and Aug. 15. and take turns Tapang (達邦), Tefuye this two tribe. Now they held apart. This is another activity you can enjoy during the lantern festival of Taiwan. By the way, respect the culture is important. I always said.

這不是要作戰, 這叫Mayasvi, 台灣原住民族鄒族的祭典. 在早年, Mayasvi, 在2月15日, 8月15日舉行, 由達邦和特富野這兩個部落輪流舉辦. 現在則是各自舉行. 這是另一個活動您可以學習跟參予的在元宵節的期間. 順帶一提, 尊重文化是重要的, 我總是這麼說.

Curry of Taiwan.

Curry of Taiwan. Taiwanese eat curry the history begin from Japanese occupation. So the taste simiar Japanese-style curry. (sweet) In some food stands of Taiwan, most over 50 years, you can enjoy really old time flovor curry. The taste unchanged as yet. :)

台式咖哩. 台灣人吃咖哩的歷史源起日治時代. 所以口味上和日式咖哩相似.(甜) 在台灣的某些小吃攤, 多數超過50年以上, 您仍可以享受古早味的咖哩. 口味迄今未變.

Zhōngxìn market (忠信市場), Taichung city (台中市).

Zhōngxìn market, Taichung city. It's a old market and turn into an art Space little by little now. Weekend is more lively. But it's still a market, and old tenants still live inside. So if you want to visit here, please do not disturb old tenants, if you want taking some photos also please asking.

忠信市場, 台中市. 它是個老市場正一點點的轉變為藝文空間現在. 假日比較熱鬧. 但它仍然是個市場, 還有老住戶住在裡面. 所以如果您想拜訪這裡, 請記得別打擾住戶們, 如果您想要拍照也請記得先問.

Taiwan Times village (寶島時代村), Tsaotun (草屯), Nantou (南投).

Taiwan Times village, Tsaotun, Nantou. The newest and the biggest times village of Taiwan now I think. If you interesting in COSPLAY, and know some Taiwan old history, this place good for you. :)

寶島時代村, 草屯, 南投. 台灣目前最新也最大的時代村是這, 我認為. 如您喜歡COSPLAY, 想要了解一些台灣過去的歷史, 這地方適合您. 

Thanks Miss Wu & friends

Thanks Miss Wu & friends, from HongKong, one day tour Taichung & Nantou County. This is special situation, for one day tour, right time and I just near by. Otherwise, I still need two days and more charter service, that I can to your location and service to you.

2月 17, 2013

Pear Flower

Pear Flower. Have you ever seen it? This time if you have chance to LiShan, Taichung, you can find it in whole valley. Not only cherry flower, pear flower also good looking too. :)

Chiku (七股) Sunset, Tainan (台南)

Sunset of Chiku, Tainan. For Taiwanese, Chiku equal to the black-faced spoonbills synonymous. Want to see black-faced spoonbills must to go Chiku. To enjoy sunset in Chiku also quite beautiful also. And there's a dune in Chiku, less people knew, no wind, or small wind go on the dune and wait the sunset also a romantic things. :)

台南七股落日. 對台灣人來說, 七股等同黑面琵鷺的代名詞. 想要賞黑面琵鷺就要到七股. 在七股欣賞落日也是很美的. 且有一個沙丘在七股, 很少人知道, 無風或微風時走在沙丘上等待夕陽也是很浪漫的事.

Peanut & pig soup(土豆豬腳). Tainan

Peanut & pig soup(土豆豬腳). If you go to Tainan, easy to find this soup in the food stands. In folk remedies of Taiwan, this soup good for postpartum women, with increase the effect of breast milk. And it's also good for body skin, old men to eat too. Beside the milkfish soup (虱目魚湯), a common soup in Tainan. :)

土豆豬腳湯. 如您去台南, 容易在小吃攤吃到. 在台灣的民間偏方裡, 這湯適合產後的婦女, 有增加母乳的效果. 這湯也同時對皮膚有益, 老人也適合吃食. 除了虱目魚湯外, 在台南也是很普遍的湯.

2月 01, 2013

Thanks Miss Wong

Thanks Miss Wong, from HongKong, 2 half day trip Taitung. She traveled in Taiwan almost one month, a completely relaxed trip. :)

Thanks Miss Li & family

Thanks Miss Li & family, from Taipei, a half day trip Taitung. They came for dreaming. :)

Formosan bulbul (烏頭翁), Taiwan's endemic birds

Formosan bulbul, easy to see in south Taiwan, east Taiwan like Pingtung, Taitung, and Hualien. Some time you can find in North Taiwan, but few. Similar Chinese bulbul, the different is head color. This is Taiwan's endemic birds, but endangered now.

Bird seeing at west coast Taiwan

He might be dreaming some happy things. Now in the west coast Taiwan, like JiaYi, TaiNan, over tens of thousands of bird are waiting you visit. But something you should know, please do not disturb, to scared, and keep quite. If you want to see them in next year. :)

Jujube (棗子), Taiwan winter fruits.

Jujube. One of winter fruits in Taiwan. You can find in any market now. Smell good and taste sweet. Jujube also has good luck meaning for Chinese. Ex: Zǎo(Jujube)shēng guìzǐ [早(棗)生貴子 ] that meant "May you have a baby soon"