8月 28, 2012

pure sand beach or Public sand beach in Taiwan

Less and less pure sand beach or Public sand beach in Taiwan. Most sand beach to be hotel resort's private beach. Sand beach should be public, and whole people can use, also need cherish. Don't you think so? It can be treasure of Taiwan, or treasure of world.

Thanks Miss Chao & Friends

Thanks Miss Chao & Friends from Taipei, did 2d1n Taitung trip. Today could be an excited day for them. Saw over 10 hot air ballnoon flying, over 70% opened daylily in perfect timing.

Zìzhù xīncūn (自助新村), Zuoying (左營), Kaohsiung (高雄).

Zìzhù xīncūn (自助新村), a military dependents (眷村) in Zuoying, Kaohsiung. The report said it will tear down, but don't know the really day. Nice to take photos here, every corner with the fun. It can be one hour or two hour tour here, combine with Lianchihtan (蓮池潭), Chiaotou Sugar factory (橋頭糖廠) , or near by tour spots can extend one day tour. Another choice Kaohsiung tour.

自助新村, 高雄左營的一個眷村. 報導說它將要被拆, 但不知是何時. 這裡很適合拍照, 每個角落都有樂趣. 可以是一到兩小時的旅程在這裡, 結合蓮池潭, 橋頭糖廠, 或是臨近旅點可展至一日行. 高雄之旅的另一選擇

8月 11, 2012

Sunrise & Sunset, Taiwan.

Customers first time to Taiwan, they may asking same question when they're in the east coast. Can see the Sunset? Believe me, Some Taiwanese got same question too. Due to the central mountain range (over 1000m), Sunrise and Sunset can not seeing in one place. Beside the northeast corner, the most south point, Taiwan. This two place no high mountain so that can see Sunrise and Sunset at one day. Next time if you asking me same question, I sure explaining again and again with smile. :)

客人們初來台灣, 在東海岸也許都會問相同的一個問題, 可以見到日落嗎? 相信我, 某些台灣人也有著同樣的疑問. 由於中央山脈的關係(超過1000m) 日出和日落是無法在同一地方見到. 除了台灣東北角和最南點. 這兩個地方沒有高山阻隔, 所以可見日出日落在同一天. 下次如您問我相同的問題, 我還是會帶著笑容為您解釋一遍又一遍

Xīnguāng pier (新光碼頭), Kaohsiung city (高雄市).

Thanks Irene & friends

Flower of betel nut (檳榔花)

8月 01, 2012

Parade Formation (陣頭).

Hongmaogang culture park (紅毛港文化園區), Kaohsiung (高雄).

Pingtung road 35 (屏35), Majia township (瑪家鄉), Pingtung (屏東).

Pintung road 35 (屏35), a road to the Majia township (瑪家鄉), with the nice view here. But the road is tiny, damage, not suggest go up when raining or rain stop after one week. To come here you should have 2d1n. You can stay in Sāndìmén (三地門), Shuǐmén (水門) one night next day to go up. Nice weather day you can look faraway to Kaohsiung city. And near by there's a waterfall called Liángshān waterfall (涼山瀑布), easy to walk. Summer time to come here is the best. :)

屏35, 一條通往瑪家鄉的路, 有著美麗的風景. 但路小, 危險, 不建議下大雨, 或大雨過後一周上去. 來這基本需要兩天一夜, 您可以住三地門, 水門, 然後隔日上山. 天氣好時可遠眺高雄市. 同時附近還有一個瀑布叫涼山瀑布, 走起來輕鬆. 夏日來這是最好不過了.

Sea Rice (海稻米), Shihtiping (石梯坪), Hualien (花蓮).

Harvest festival in Gǎngkǒu tribe (港口部落), Hualien (花蓮).

Thanks Miss Wu & Her son

Thanks Miss Lee & Friends

Thanks Miss lee & Friends