5月 27, 2012

Bambooraft (竹筏), Cì tóng tribe (刺桐部落), Taitung (台東).

Bambooraft, not easy to see and find in everywhere Taiwan coast line. Most in the museum. This is Amis (阿美族) old style bambooraft, if you want to see please come to Cì tóng tribe (刺桐部落), on highway 11 and near by Shānyuán beach (杉原灣), Taitung. Glad to join the racing in the Shānyuán beach, to see Amis traditional rituals.

竹筏, 已經不容易見到在台灣任何的海岸線. 多數在博物館. 這是阿美族傳統形式的竹筏, 如您想一探請來台東刺桐部落, 在台11線上, 靠近杉原灣. 高興參加在杉原灣的竹筏比賽, 見到阿美族傳統祈福儀式.

Thanks Miss Kuan, Helen, Aping.

Thanks Miss Kuan, Helen, A ping, from HongKong, one day trip in Taitung. We saw flowers very many this time, also rice field in east rift valley. We will have antoher day trip from Taitung to Taipei, east coast line tour. :")

Lǔ mǐfěn (魯米粉), Kanding (崁頂), Pingtung (屏東).

Lǔ mǐfěn (a kind of rice noodles), in Kanding (崁頂), Pingtung. It's a local food, uncommon seeing in Taiwan. The soup taste like Tainan eel noodles (鱔魚意麵), good to eat. Kanding is a small village, between Chaozhou (潮州) and Donggang (東港 ). Sesame oil is one of agricultural products, over a century.

魯米粉(一種米粉料理), 於崁頂, 屏東. 這是當地才有的吃食, 少見於台灣. 湯頭嚐起來像台南鱔魚意麵, 好吃. 崁頂是位於潮州和東港間的小村莊. 芝麻油是當地農特產品之一, 有百年歷史.

5月 15, 2012

Salt carving and sand sculpture road trip (06.02.2012 to 07.24.2012)

Subject: Salt carving and sand sculpture road trip

Major: Salt carving and sand sculpture festival in Tainan. And near by tour spot. (ChiaYi, Penghu, Kaohsiung or more faraway county)

A special festival in Jiāngjūn and mǎ shā gōu, Tainan. Will begin at 6 Jun. and end at 24 Jul. This road trip will contain here and near by county. Extend the trip from 2d1n at least to one week.

From Taoyuan Intl airport.
Please add one day of your taiwan trip.

From Kaohsiung Intl. airport.
need 2hr to drive to here.

2D1N From Taipei (basic)

highway trip to here, enjoy the festival, and sunset, eating seafood in Jiāngjūn fishing habor, rest in Tainan city.

Tainan city half day tour, or a day highway trip (passing by ChaiYi, Yunlin, Chenghua county etc...) to Taipei.

If you're interesting this festival and want to add to your Taiwan trip, let me know, we can discuss how to add to your Taiwan trip. Need my charter car service welcome also.

Highway 23 (台23), Tung Fu highway (東富公路), Hualien (花蓮) & Taitung (台東).

Highway 23, Tung Fu highway, a connecting highway connect Tunghe (東河, Taitung) and Fuli (富里, Hualien). Before the Yucheng highway (玉長公路), it's also the major highway connect east coast and east rift valley (花東縱谷). Along the highway there're some tourist spot can go, like Tunghe bridge, Dēngxiān (登仙) bridge (Monkey seeing), Tunghe farm, Little Tiansiang (小天祥) (very Small Taroko) etc...you can see mountain view & rice field here. Another chioce doing half day or one day trip in Taitung. :)

台23線, 東富公路, 是一條聯絡道連接東河(台東)和富里(花蓮). 在玉長公路之前, 這也是花東海岸和花東縱谷的主要的聯絡道. 沿著公路有好幾個旅點好去. 如東河橋, 登仙橋(看猴), 東河農場, 小天祥(非常小的太魯閣)等...有山景也有田野風光好看. 台東半日遊或一日遊的另一選擇.

more photos:

Stone Weir (石滬), Pehghu (澎湖).

Stone Weir, one of must to see in Penghu. It's an ancient method of fishing. Like a trap. Fishes go inside the stone Weir in high tie, can't go out when low tie. And this time fishmen can easy to catch fishes. One stone weir start building and until finish need more than 2 or 3 years, or more. All hand made. The wellknown stone weir is Twin Hearts Stone Weir in Qīměi (七美), the largest number of stone weir is in Jibei (吉貝), more than hundred.

石滬, 澎湖必看之一. 這是一種古老捕魚方法. 就像是一個陷阱. 魚群於潮高時進入陷阱, 退潮時就出不來了, 這時候漁夫們就容易抓魚. 一個石滬從建造到完成需要2,3年, 或更多的時間. 全部是手工做的. 最出名是七美的雙心石滬, 但石滬數量最多的在吉貝, 超過一百個以上.

5月 13, 2012

Malan-Tagia (ear shooting festival / 打耳祭) , Yanping Township (延平鄉), Taitung (台東).

Malan-Tagia (ear shooting festival) is a biggest festival a year of Bunun (布農族). Usually held in Apl. and May. This festival has two significance, one is praying bumper harvest in next year, another is hunting skills can handed down. Also, announce the hunting season over. (No hunting until to next season begin) It's a family day, but the festival only men can join only, have to wait until the festival to "Malastapang" than women can join together. Men will proud his hunting skill how good and rewards how many, women will give him rice wine to congratulate. And they have singing call "Pasibutbut", the most representative of Bunun music. :)

Malan-Tagia (打耳祭) 是布農族一年當中最大的祭典. 通常在四五月舉行. 這祭典有兩個意義, 一是祈求來年豐收, 另一是傳承打獵技巧. 同時, 也宣布打獵季節結束. (直到下次打獵季節開始) 這是個家庭日, 但只有男人能參加祭典, 直有等到祭典進行到"Malastapang"女人才可一起加入. 男人會誇耀自己打獵技巧多好, 獵物獲得多少, 女人會獻上小米酒, 以示慶賀. 他們會吟唱"Pasibutbut"(八部合音)期間, 最具代表性的布農族音樂.

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5月 10, 2012

Jingtze Pavilion (敬字亭), historic building, Taiwan.

Jingtze Pavilion, in somewhere of  Taiwan, most in Kaohsiung (高雄), Pingtung (屏東), old Hakka village can see. Jingtze (敬字), in chinese meant respcet writing. In ancient times, people they don't easy throw paper that have words on it. Ex: poem, article. They bring to Jingtze Pavilion to burning it. May the God can help them writing more better. (comes more idea, and writing smooth) Anyway, it's a beautiful historic buildings, good take time to look. :)

敬字亭, 在台灣某些地方, 多數在高雄, 屏東, 老的客家村可見. 敬字, 在中文意思為尊重書寫. 在古代, 人們不輕易丟棄字紙, 如詩, 文章. 他們帶到敬字亭焚燒, 希望上天能幫忙他們寫作更好. (有更多的靈感, 書寫順暢) 不管如何, 這是一個漂亮的歷史建築, 值得花時間看看. 

JiaDong (佳冬), FengLiao township (枋寮鄉), PingTung county (屏東).

Jiadong, a old Hakka village in Fengliao (枋寮) township, Pingtung county. Nice to walk around here. See the historic buildings, community decorative, taste the Hakka snacks, etc... it can be 3hr or half day trip, on the way you to kending (墾丁) or Taitung (台東). :)

佳冬, 屏東枋寮的一個老客家村. 很適合漫步. 欣賞歷史建築, 社區裝飾, 品嘗客家小吃等...可以是3hr或半天的行程在這, 在您前往墾丁或台東的路上.

Bùdài township (布袋鎮), JiaYi county (嘉義).

Bùdài township, JiaYi county. Home of oysters. You can see oyster farm everywhere on the highway17 (台17) or highway61 (台61). From here to Penghu (澎湖) is the fast sea way, only 90min. And toal have 4 ferry you can choice, more than other route. If you go like me, this time, you might can see the sunrise & sunset at Budai habor. Nice sunset more easy to see in Summer when return. And after that, you can enjoy seafood in the fishing market or restaurant. A wonderful Penghu trip. :)

布袋鎮, 嘉義縣. 蚵仔的故鄉. 如您走台17或台61所見到處. 從這邊到澎湖也是最快的, 只要90分航程. 總共有四艘船可選擇, 相較其他航線. 如您跟我是同樣的時間起行, 這時候, 您或許可以見到日出與日落. 美麗的日落在夏日容易見到,自返程時. 之後, 您可以在漁市場或餐廳享受海產, 美好的澎湖行.

5月 09, 2012

Lion township (獅子鄉), Pingtung (屏東).

There's a township called Lion township, in Pingtung county. Most Taiwanese are wondering, because there is no lion in Taiwan. (zoo only) Why the place got the name? The answer on this photo. Mountain have a lion face. According they said, the lion face has the power, and has stop pirate to invasion village ever. So as named. If you passing Fengshan (枋山), don't forget try to find it. To see if it is really like. :)

在屏東, 有一個鄉叫獅子鄉. 多數台灣人總感到奇怪, 台灣沒有獅子(只在動物園)怎有這個地名? 答案在這張照片, 山有著獅子臉. 據傳說獅臉有力量, 曾阻止海盜侵犯村莊, 故以此為名. 如您經過枋山, 別忘了試著找找看, 看看是否真的像.

Jibei Island (吉貝島), Penghu (澎湖).

Jibei Island, Penghu. Over 4km coral sand beach, and water activitys, are wellkonwn. Around whole island is about 1hr by ride. Very beautiful place but suggest to come here after noon and over night. (To hot in day time) You can enjoy water activitys first, after 3pm or 4pm walk around island enjoy the sunset, enjoy fully stars at night, or BBQ party. And next day welcome sunrise. :)

吉貝島, 澎湖. 超過4KM長的珊瑚沙灘, 和水上活動著名. 騎車環島約一個小時. 非常美的地方但建議午後才來並住上一晚. (白晝太熱) 您可先玩水上活動, 三四點過後漫步島嶼欣賞日落, 夜晚享受滿天星斗, 或烤肉派對. 隔日在迎接日出. 

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5月 03, 2012

Highway2 (台2線), north coast highway (北部濱海公路), Keelong (基隆) to Suao (蘇澳) sec.

Highway2, north coast highway, Keelong to Suao sec. For people who live in North Taiwan, this highway is easy to see blue sea (Pacific Ocean). Along the highway, there're very many place to go, like Jīnguā shí (金瓜石 ), Fú lóng (福隆), Wài ào (外澳) etc...the best sea view is from Keelong (基隆) to Tóuchéng (頭城) sec. Can be one day trip or more here.

台2線, 北部濱海公路, 基隆至蘇澳段, 對生活在北台灣的人, 這邊是最容易看到藍海的地方.(太平洋) 沿著公路, 有很多的點可去, 如金瓜石, 福隆, 外澳等...最棒的海景是從基隆到頭城段間, 可以為一日或更多日遊程在這. 

Shí yǔsǎn (石雨傘), Chenggong township (成功) , Taitung (台東).

Shí yǔsǎn(Stone Umbrella), a small rest area on highway11, north Chenggong township. Also one weelknown tourist spot of Taitung. Near by Shí yǔsǎn, there's a habor you can walk into, can reach to sand beach. Sometimes can swimming also, a nature pool. :)

石雨傘, 台11線上的小休息區, 在成功鎮北方. 同時也是台東知名旅遊點. 近石雨傘, 有個小港灣可以走入直到沙灘. 有時也可以游泳, 一個天然的池子.