4月 24, 2016

Visit forest near by Taiwan Indigenous tribe.

Plan to visit forest, especially near by tribes, better to find a local people to lead you. For Indigenous People, the forest not only hunting grounds, also the holy place. Need a ritual before enter. Include to said hi to ancestors, the forest spirits, to pray harvesting good luck and safety etc... also be good for you. You will know more about this forest, because he is living there. Even the tribe history, way of life, tribe music, more things you can have experience.

計畫拜訪森林, 特別是鄰近部落的, 最好找當地人引領您. 對原住民來說, 森林不只是獵場, 也是神聖的地方. 進入前需要進行儀式. 包含跟祖先, 森林的神打招呼, 祈求收穫豐盛和平安等等...對您來說有益無害. 您會認識更多關於這片森林, 因為他就生活在那裏. 甚至部落的歷史, 生活的方式, 部落歌謠, 有更多的您可以體驗的.

4月 14, 2016

Purplevine (紫藤). Season time.

Purplevine (紫藤). It's the season time. The well known places at Taiwan was Ruì-lǐ (瑞里), Chia-Yi(嘉義). But in some city as New Tai-pei city (新北), Tao-yuan(桃園), Tai-chung(台中), you can enjoy too. But if you go Ruì-lǐ (瑞里), you also can enjoy firefly at night. In fact, there are some purple flowers or color a little like purple blooming at this time. As iris(鳶尾花), china berry(苦楝樹), and Jacaranda(藍花楹). Purple season of Taiwan.

紫藤. 這時是季節. 台灣最出名賞紫藤的地方是嘉義瑞里. 但在其他縣市如新北, 桃園, 台中, 您也可以欣賞的到. 但如果您此時去瑞里, 還可以在夜晚欣賞螢火蟲. 事實上, 這時候有一些紫花或顏色像紫色的花盛開著 如鳶尾花, 苦楝樹, 和藍花楹. 台灣紫色的季節.

4月 09, 2016

Shífēn waterfall (十分瀑布), New Taipei city. (新北市)

Shífēn waterfall (十分瀑布), New Taipei city. (新北市) Similar as Niagara Falls, so she has a name : A little Niagara fall. Not to far Shifen old street. But if you by walk, it takes around 1hr. From the Grade crossings about 30min. Better time to visit is after raining. More powerful water fall down and perhaps rainbow come out.

十分瀑布, 新北市. 因有如尼加拉瓜瀑布, 所有她有個名字小尼加拉瓜瀑布. 這裡離十分老街不遠. 但如您用走的, 大約需1小時. 但從平交道走約30分. 拜訪這最佳的時間是雨後. 水量會更大並且或許有彩虹出現.

Thanks Miss Chung & family

Thanks Miss Chung & family, from HongKong, did 5D4N central high mountain tirp.
感謝香港的鐘小姐與家人, 5D4N 中部高山之旅.

Thanks Miss Yong Shu Ying & family

Thanks Miss Yong Shu Ying & family, from Malaysia, did 6d5n round Taiwan trip.
感謝來自馬來西亞的Yong Shu Ying 小姐與家人, 6D5N環台行.

Thanks Miss Liáng & family

Thanks Miss Liáng & family, from Hongkong, did 3D2N Taipei Trip.
感謝香港的梁小姐與家人, 3D2N 台北行.